The incidence of back pain, the most common cause of which is musculoskeletal anomalies, in society is increasing day by day with stressful life. Causes such as posture disorders, long periods of inactivity at the desk and computer, standing and heavy lifting cause back pain.
Pregnancy, joint deformities in the spine, sedentary lifestyle, sports injuries, traumas, fibromyalgia, back hernia, osteoporosis, inflammation of the muscles and joints such as ankylosing spondylitis, spinal deformities such as kyphosis and scoliosis, tumors, degenerative disc changes and referred pain can also cause back pain. are among other possible causes.
*Alert Findings in Back Pain
If you are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, you should consult your doctor for back pain.
• Onset of pain before the age of 20 and after the age of 50
• Persistent and persistent back pain
• Back pain that does not go away with rest and proper positioning
• Experiencing redness, rash and extreme weight loss with pain
• Pain that will wake you up from sleep
• Morning stiffness
• Congenital deformities accompanying pain
• Loss of sensation in the legs
• Encountering a bacterial or viral infection before the complaint of pain
• Experiencing bone resorption and post-traumatic pain
*What should be done to prevent back pain?
First of all, in order to avoid back pain, it is necessary to move away from a sedentary lifestyle. If you are an office worker working at the computer, you should take precautions regarding posture disorders in order to avoid back pain. If you are dealing with a job that requires standing for a long time, you should rest every 1.5-2 hours. Avoiding stress in daily life and preventing obesity are other procedures that should be done for back pain. Not doing sports and exercise for a long time will weaken your back muscles and make you open for back and lower back pain.
To avoid back pain, it would be the right solution to change your lifestyle and exercise at least 3 days a week. Strengthening your back muscles will reduce your back pain as much as possible in order to adjust your anatomical posture correctly and increase your condition during work.
*Back Pain Treatment
If there is no underlying pathology with your back pain, simple measures will reduce the severity of your pain. First of all, adjusting your anatomical position correctly and daily exercises will prevent your pain from reaching a chronic level. When you provide all these, your back pain will resolve itself within 2-3 weeks.
Hot applications and drug treatments can be preferred in the treatment of back pain.
*Chest Pains
Chest pain is one of the most common findings in heart and lung diseases. Excessive tension and dysfunction of the muscles in the upper front of the body can also cause chest pain. The sensitive anatomical structure of the chest and being in a position open to trauma are among the other causes of pain.
*What are the pathologies that show themselves mostly with chest pain?
1. *Lung Diseases: Diseases of the lung are usually understood by patients by describing a stabbing pain. So which lung diseases cause chest pain?
*Pulmonary embolism: Sudden onset of chest pain, difficulty breathing and frequent breathing should definitely bring to mind pulmonary embolism, also known as pulmonary clotting. In this disease, which can be fatal if not diagnosed early, it is necessary to consult a chest disease specialist without wasting time.
*Pneumonia (Pneumonia): If symptoms such as fever, sputum and cough are accompanied by chest pain, pneumonia should be considered. Although pneumonia is difficult to distinguish from pulmonary embolism, its early diagnosis is very important for its treatment.
*Pneumothorax: Known as the collapse of the lung among the people, pneumothorax mostly occurs as a result of surgical intervention. The fact that the lung is open to trauma also triggers pneumothorax. Emergency treatment is vital
*Pleurisy and Pleuritis: The 2 membranes that cover the lung and chest cavity are called pleura. The accumulation of fluid between these two membranes is called pleural effusion, and the inflammation of this fluid between the leaves is called pleuritis. These two pictures, which manifest themselves with severe chest pain, are diseases that need urgent treatment.
Apart from the lung diseases mentioned above, conditions such as tuberculosis and lung cancer can also cause chest pain.
*2. Heart and Vascular System Diseases: Patients usually describe a pressure-like pain in chest pain originating from the heart. It is very difficult to distinguish precisely the type of these pains, each of which occurs with a different mechanism.
So which cardiovascular system diseases cause chest pain?
• *Angina Pectoris: In this picture, which is divided into stable and unstable angina, it is very important for patients to feel severe chest pain, as it can be a precursor to a heart attack.
• *Myocardial Infarction: In this disease, which is known as a heart attack among the people, the symptoms last longer than 20 minutes. Immediate approach to a heart attack, which is characterized by sweating, nausea, and the spread of pain to the neck and shoulder region, is vital.
• *Aortic Dissection and Aneurysm: The formation of a tear in the aortic vessel that pumps blood from the heart to the body is called aortic dissection. An aortic aneurysm is the formation of bubbles in the aorta. Again, this disease, which is as urgent as aortic dissection, manifests itself with stabbing chest pain.
• *Pericarditis: In pericarditis, which is called the inflammation of the pericardial membrane of the heart, the chest pain of the patients increases in the lying position and decreases when leaning forward. Early diagnosis saves lives in pericarditis, which can cause pressure-like chest pain.
*3. Gastrointestinal System Diseases: The stomach and intestinal system are known as gastrointestinal system diseases. Gastroesophageal reflux, which can cause chest pain most frequently, is described as the coming of gastric juice into the mouth in the form of bitter water. Apart from this, gastrointestinal system diseases such as stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, oesophagal diseases, gallstones can also cause chest pains.