Neural Therapy

Neural Therapy

Neural therapy is a powerful treatment that can be highly effective in relieving autonomic nervous system dysfunction and pain, especially in patients with complex pain.

         Neural therapy involves injecting local anaesthetics into the autonomic nerve ganglia (bundling of nerves), peripheral nerves, scars, glands, acupuncture points, trigger points, and other tissues. The standard local anaesthetics used are 1% procaine or 1% lidocaine.

        Neural therapy is based on the theory that any trauma, infection, or surgery can damage the autonomic nervous system and produce long-term disturbances in the electrochemical or electromagnetic functions of tissues. Repeated administration using local anaesthetics leads to the “disappearance” of stored pathological irritability of the sympathetic nervous system and restoration of normal tissue perfusion.

        Local anaesthetic disrupts the vicious circle of increased nociceptor activity in different regions at the same time – sympathetic excitation – circulatory disturbance – neurogenic inflammation – muscle stiffness. In this way, through interrelated and positive feedback loops, the ever-increasing reflex arcs are disrupted. Repeated administration of local anaesthetics also directly reduces neurogenic inflammation. Thus, neural therapy is effective in migraine and tension-type headaches as well as in pain originating from the musculoskeletal system.